R & D activities

R & D is focused to meet the requirement of the farmers and agro industries to provide cost effective technologies. The company consistently focuses on the changing preferences and needs of the farmers by adding value to its products. The company emphasizes on increasing the productivity through various methods suitable to environment as well as economically sound by integrating new development through technologies, biotechnology and genetic engineering with effective plant breeding methods in R & D activities the company concentrating to release the new crop varieties that contain high nutritive values with maximum use of organic manures that helps in preventing blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and heart related issues in human beings and also developing the products which have high medicinal values .The heavy doses of insecticide/pesticides to crops and use of high doses of chemical fertilizers leads to deterioration of quality and invite the dangerous diseases and that being observed now in society, Our company committed to develop healthy products to overcome such health issues.

The company has well established quality control laboratory and biotechnology laboratory with well qualified and experienced staff for quality analysis of the products and the company holds well equipped green house facilities and a state of art biotechnology laboratory and germ plasm bank.

We’re here to support you every step of the way.

R & D Objectives

• Our strong R & D team works towards meeting challenges and requirement involved in plant breeding and ensure healthy products with improved quality higher resistance to diseases.
• To develop super quality products that yield better and having resistant against diseases.
• Objective oriented development in crops resulting in supar hybrids.
• Ensuring development of various crops according to need of farmers.
• Disease resistance of multiple crops in view of economic importance to the farmers.
• Effective maintenance of breeding and breeder seed production & supply.
• Standardization of production techniques of new pipe line hybrids.
• Colobration opportunities to encourage fresh prospective and technological improvement enable better quality seeds & yield.
• To help to meet worlds growing demand for food & nutrition and to improve the productivity of small farmers.
• Production of improved varieties in vegetable, pulses, cereds, oil & spice seed crops.

Ongoing projects

• To develop very hygienic & nutritive varieties in tomato.
• To develop very hygienic & nutritive varieties in okra.
• R & D innovation in vegetable seed technology.
• Study and findings on vegetable crops with using all organic inputs.
• To develop well healthy & nutritive varieties in chilly, brinjal, onion & watermelon with only organic inputs.
• A project with ICAR-NBAIR Delhi for EPN Technology for Biological control of White Grubs & other Soil insect&Pests.
• A Project with ICAR-IIMR Hyderabad for Multipication/production and marketing of Sorghum hybrid CSH-1 at large scale in the country